Image Shortcodes
Below are the options that are available for this shortcode and their default values. A hash (#) indicates a required value.
'url' => '#',
'width' => '',
'height' => '',
'link' => '',
'align' => 'none', // none, alignleft, alignright, aligncenter
'top' => '', // Any positive or negative number
'left' => '',
'bottom' => '',
'right' => '',
'alt' => '',
'lightbox' => 'none', // none, image, video
'zoom' => '0' // 0, 1
'preload' => 'false' // false, true
And this is what you should insert into your posts and pages…
[image " url="#" width="" height="" align="alignnone" link="" lightbox="none" alt="" zoom="0" preload="false" /]
Left Align Preloaded Image
[image url="" width="500" height="300" align="alignleft" preload="true"]
Right Aligned Image with Link
[image url="" width="500" height="300" align="alignright" link=""]
Center Aligned Image with Lightbox Image Support
[image url="" width="500" height="300" align="aligncenter" lightbox="image" link=""]
Right Aligned Image with Lightbox Video Support
[image url="" width="500" height="300" align="alignright" lightbox="video" link=""]
Center Aligned Image with Image Zoom
[image url="" width="640" height="300" align="aligncenter" zoom="1"]